Check out this You Tube video and then some of the other ones
on the right side also About Alger County and Munising and Grand
April 30th Monday
Start of another week... Up early and in town to get blood work done for physical
later in the week. When I say that I have to go to town it is 42 miles one way. It was raining and cool. Stopped at office max for some ink for the printer and then home. Dan finished up the trailer that he put disc brakes on and then took it for a trial run.. Yep, they work just fine he said..
Got stuff together to go to Garden Club tonight at one of the members home. She had made some delicious snacks. We had a short meeting and then we made some sun chasers. Had a great time and it was nice seeing the gals after being gone all winter.
No,We were not having a "Red Solo Cup Party!!
May 1st Tuesday
Not to exciting of a day, Dan went to town to get a hair cut, get his blood work done, take the truck to Ford for a recall campaign. I did laundry, and moved some furniture around. Caught up on some mail and played with Mr. Herbie. Wish that it would be a bit warmer here, the buds on the trees want to come out.
May 2nd Wednesday
Not to exciting of a day, we moved some furniture as we are having the carpets cleaned on Monday.. It is not fun trying to find room for all this stuff. Otherwise our day was same o - same o... I spent most of the morning dealing with Direct TV trying to get our 2nd receiver configured. Finally it worked... I can't deal with Stressful situations to well lately.. Is it because I am thoroughly retired..???? Then we cleaned the spare bedroom and exchanged chairs from Trailer and house.
May 3rd Thursday
Up early this morning and had to be in town at 10 am for Dr. visit.. Then I went to Wal-mart and picked up a few things and headed on home. Drove through the downtown area as I wanted to see some of the new construction that is going up. It was a cool day. After dinner we went to Ron and Eileens for coffee and a visit and Molly and Herbie got to play awhile...
Today we went to Marquette and both Dan and I had our eyes examined.. Dan's eyes stayed pretty much the same and I had some changes, We picked out new glasses and we will have them in about a week. Boy, along with everything else, the cost of eye exams and glasses sure are out of site.. We came home and had some lunch and then we rested, and then for dinner we went to the Casino for their Wet Burrito. Yummy it was and I ended bringing half of mine home... Good Karen..... watching portion control. The weight I gained over the winter is gone, and now I am struggling with the pounds I need to take off.
May 5th Saturday
Up early this morning, made a cup of tea and checked messages on computer.. It was a lazy day. Did a few chores and then just stayed in.. Dan is feeling under the weather, and I have been been feeling weezy.. Made a few sun chasers. Dan went and got the mail and then he settled down in his chair on the porch and snoozed.
Friends Barb and Ralph had called and we chatted for awhile. Their Bentley, had hip surgery and he is doing so well. Hopefully we will see them over the 4th of July.
After dinner, I called a friend back from our camping days with Good Sam.. We chatted for about 40 minutes and I got a recipe that she had made for us a few times and Dan and wanted me to make it seeing that we have left over Ham... I had forgot about that dish, but Dan hadn't.
May 6th Sunday
It was 45 degrees this morning and damp out. Then it starting raining. There went my plan to go out and rake out my gardens... Instead, I helped Dan move some more furniture out for the rug cleaners tomorrow. I had also settled in and watched the NASCAR race and then I fell asleep.. I woke up and there was 45 laps lefts.. Oh well, I did get to see some action towards the end of the race. Made some dinner and we are settled in for the night... It is still raining out. A steady soft rain.
Well not a very exciting week, but that is ok. It is just nice being home.
~~Just have a fun filled week~~