
Welcome to my blog... Dan and I are always on the go and always have something to share. By the time we see or talk to you we have forgotten some of the highlights. So Hopefully you will enjoy our adventures and stories as we have enjoyed being there.

Monday, August 13, 2012

August 6th to August August 12th 2012

August 6th     Monday
It was a beautiful day out. Sat on the porch having my coffee with Dan. 
Had lunch with the girlfriends at the Picture Rocks Golf Club.. 
Dan had installed gutters on the enclosed porch. 
Finished the left over ribs for dinner and they were just as good as they were on Sat
August 7th     Tuesday
It was 55 this morning when I got up and let Herbie out.  I even went walking around the yard.  It rained last night so there was a fresh smell in the air.
I broke my new glasses this morning,  I went to put them on and the arm broke.  Off to town this morning early to get them replaced.  It will be a week so I am back wearing old ones.  Stopped at Menard's and then Wal-mart for a few items and then back home..
Concert in the park, what a great country rock band tonight.. north winds off of the lake made it a bit chilly... 

August 8th     Wednesday    --   HAPPY BIRTHDAY HERBIE
Today is my Herbie's Birthday.  He is now 7 years old.  

We spent the day getting our belongings into the 5th wheel that we are going to take along. We had our dinner of BBQ beef rib. Herbie had some nice bones to chew on. Then had Ron, Eileen and Molly came down for cake and ice cream in celebration of Herbie's Birthday.  Herbie was not ready to share his bones with Molly, but he didn't have much choice as Molly made sure she had one.  

August  9th   Thursday        KEWAUNEE , WI
Up early and it is cool out....  Rain is in the forecast.     As we were crossing over the Big Bridge in Green Bay, we seen that on the bay side the skies were very dark and raining hard and on our side of the bridge it was grey skies and cloudy..  NO rain..
Arrived at Kewaunee Campground around 1 PM.. It was a nice day, Alot of our HitchHiker friends were there and were happy to see us...  We went to town for a few groceries and it was a Piggly Wiggly that we went to.. I have not been in one of those stores for many years.  I will have to go back and take my time and walk through it..
We bought a rotisserie chicken and instant potatoes and cream corn for dinner.  It was really good.   Dan took Herbie for a walk and the rains came...  We sat in and enjoyed the evening...

August 10th   Friday     KEWAUNEE, WI 
We woke up and it was chilly out and 61 degrees .  Dan made coffee and took Herbie out for his morning walk. I turned on the fireplace and grabbed a cup of hot coffee and got my blanket and computer and settled in my chair for a while...   Later we visited with Hitchhikers and there was also some Heartland trailers and went and introduced myself and made conversation about Heartland and, the forum and the HOC (Heartland Owners Club). A couple of the owners haven't heard about the  forum, and the Owners Club.  I gave them information and they said that they most likely will join.  Another one have been on the forum, and I told them about the Owners Club and The Rallies.  I will be looking forward to seeing them at future Rallies.
Most of the HitchHikers went out for dinner tonight, and we chose to stay in and after we were done with dinner we went over to the fire it and watched Kadin, (Devoes Great Grandson) get the campfire going.. After everyone got back from dinner they came and joined in the circle. Isn't it amazing the campers and campfires bring everyone together.
August 11th   Saturday  ALGOMA, WI....SHANTY DAYS
Nice and cool this morning when we woke up, Dan made the coffee and then took Mr. Herbie out for his morning walk.     The Northwoods HitchHikers were having a pancake breakfast and we walked up there...  It was nice to see everyone again. 
 Kadin, Jim & Louella  DeVoe
 Ken McFarlane 
 The 2 Dan's....
 Carol Olson, Dale and Sue Nauman, Don Olson
 Let's find that special cake
Mark & Debbie Tlusty

It was 2 years since we were at one of their rally's..   This weekend is Shanty Days in Algoma which is a couple towns away,.  Lots of people lined up the street waiting for the parade, and alot of white tents lined down side streets with vendors selling their wares.
It was just a bit to crowded for us to get out and walk around.  We drove around the marina and there were no boats out fishing. We stopped at the Piggly Wiggly again so I could get a few items I needed for the pot luck tonight.
 Saturday Evening Potluck

Lots of good food again at the Pot Luck, desserts.  After dinner a fire was made and we all gathered around and visited.  

 Misty Paska

Nice to see everyone again.

August 12th   Sunday   KEWAUNEE, WI...Side trip to Green Bay.
A continental breakfast again this morning with the Northwoods HitchHikers.  Friends  are getting ready to pack up to leave.   This morning was nice and the birds were singing..

We are staying here for a few more days and then heading over to Wisconsin Dells to be with The Heartland Owners Rally..    There are 3 of us couples staying a bit longer.
Dan and I went to the Piggly Wiggly to pick up a few items and then, came back and sat outside.

About Me

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Chatham,, Michigan, United States
Karen's Koffee Klutch