
Welcome to my blog... Dan and I are always on the go and always have something to share. By the time we see or talk to you we have forgotten some of the highlights. So Hopefully you will enjoy our adventures and stories as we have enjoyed being there.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dec. 12th - Dec 18th 2011 ~~~ Southern Oaks Weekly Recap ~~~

The Holidays are getting closer and everyone is out and about looking for the perfect gift!!  Not us we are just running around having a good time eating out and watching people.

Dec 12th   Monday
60 degrees at 6:30 AM   It is raining again... It was off and on all day long.  Today was a busy day for us.  We had to go to Sinton to get our license plate for the trailer. Then we went on to Corpus Christi and went to the World Market.  I was never in that place and oh my we spent over an hour in there looking at everything.. Gift and foods from around the world and reasonably priced.  Then we went to Flour Bluff to a HEB Super Store.. HEB is a grocery store in Texas and they have a few super stores also that has alot of extras that most grocery stores don't have.  Speciality items, food and wines.  Then we left there and went to our friends Ron and Rose who live in Corpus and I picked up some Avon that I had ordered.  Then we headed home and decided that we better eat out, So we went to The China Garden and had their delicious buffet.. It was so yummy... I was very proud, I only had one plate full.
Came home and then joined in for Happy Hour with friends...  A FULL DAY FOR SURE...

Dec  13th   Tuesday

64 degrees at 6 AM...  Lounged around in the morning and then was ready to go to lunch with friends Sue and Linda.  We went into Corpus and checked out a few places to have Ladies Luncheons at. One was at the Art Center with a restaurant over looking Corpus Christi Bay and the USS Lexington. Then went to another place call Hesters and The Bleu Frog Mercantile.  Had a wonderful sandwich and then I took a big piece of Key lime pie home for Dan and I to share.  The Mercantile had just room after room of gifts and decorations..  I did end up buying a few things.
When I got home I was tired.  Took Herbie out for a walk and then I crashed.

Dec  14th   Weds

70 degrees  and windy.... Went to The Bakery Cafe for breakfast..  That is one place that we like to go to for Breakfast, reasonably priced, good food and alot of it, and lots of coffee refills....
When we got back Dan started on removing all the old window treatments in the living room and kitch area.. Mr. Herbie was getting confused when the furniture started getting moved around..  It took Dan most of the afternoon to do the job and he did a great job.. We moved the sofa where the chairs were and the chairs where the sofa was.  I like that alot better as I can see the TV alot easier.. When we leave in spring we have to return the furniture as the slides will not close. 

Dec 15th   Thurs
70 degrees this AM..  Dan went for coffee with the guys.  I checked my emails as I usually do when I get up... Today, we were able to register for The Heartland International Rally in Gillette, Wyoming..
We are really excited about going out there in June. We have not been in Wyoming for some years and it will be nice to re-visit some of the places that we have been.  

We met out HOC (Heartland Owners Club) friends in Port Aransas at BEACHES.....  Wow another great time was had with the group, and the food was so so good.

I was not able to fall asleep, I got back up and turned on TV and watched Christmas movies until 4 am and then I went to bed and fell asleep... Up at 7 AM....

Dec   16th   Fri
58 degrees this morning at 6:30 am.. A cold front came through and It was cloudy.   Today is another eat out day.  We had 9 couples go for lunch at PORT ROYAL  in Port Aransas.  I had been there a few times last year and wanted to share it with some new friends,  Everyone enjoyed the meal and the food and said that they would like to come back...

Dec  17th   Sat
57 degrees @7 AM and cloudy..   We met the HOC group at The Bakery again for breakfast and had lots of laughs, Everyone enjoyed the breakfast..

We went to Portland and picked up our mail and headed back home for a day of rest.. I made some BBQ hamburger for dinner and let it simmer to perfection..  Yummy ......
Dec 18th    Sun

60 degrees at 7 am and SUNNY... Yipp-ee


      The Packers lost their game today...

We just relaxed today and Dan made Steak and salad for dinner tonight...
Another week is done and over with and hoping that next week won't be so busy.......



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Chatham,, Michigan, United States
Karen's Koffee Klutch