
Welcome to my blog... Dan and I are always on the go and always have something to share. By the time we see or talk to you we have forgotten some of the highlights. So Hopefully you will enjoy our adventures and stories as we have enjoyed being there.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 8th thru Oct 14th .... Countiing the Weeks Before Texas

 16 more days and we leave for Texas..  Lots to do!!

October 8th     Monday   --- Dr. Visits
It was 23 degrees this morning when I got up... burr-r-r-r..  Picked up Eileen and off to town we went..  I went and had a post op 7 week visit.  Everything looks good and I still have to be on special diet for another 6 weeks, then I can start on other foods.  Went to Perkins for lunch and then shopping shopping.... The temps got up to 59 and sunny..  On the way home it was starting to get windy and the leaves were blowing all over..  After dinner Dan went out and mulched a pile that had  blown in the front.  Mr. Herbie got a bath, and I cleaned up after dinner.  This is Monday and we have some TV programs that we enjoy watching..  Funny..Funny... 2 Broke girls and Mike and Molly...   Another busy day tomorrow... Must rest up..

October 9th     Tuesday   --- "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN" 
                                                Herbie Goes To Vet
It was a bit warmer this morning. Today is Dan's 71st birthday. Gee it seems like just last week when he was 39 when I met him.  Mr. Herbie has a vet appointment this morning so he was excited to get to go for a ride in the truck, but when we walked in the Vet door, he put the brakes on.  He did really well, got all his shots and a good health report.  He is all set to go to Texas.  I need to take a few of his babies and repair them, and throw them in the washer. Dan had a few things to pick up at Lowe's and Menard's and then we headed for home. When we got there, I made lunch and Dan went out and mulched some more leaves. As he was out there, it started to rain and there he was continuing to finish the job.  Later, we picked up 
Ron and Eileen and went to the Casino for dinner, and Dan got his 10.00 in free tokens and 1/2 off of his dinner this evening..  It was a fun time.

October 10th   Wednesday
Dan had to go to Munising for an errand and I rode along with him this morning.  As we were climbing to the higher elevations  (on the hills) it was really snowing, and once we got into Munising it was just just a misty rain.
When we got back home I started doing some laundry.  I also started thinking about what I want to take along for clothes.  I packed up alot of them and took them to the Salvation Army, so I don't think that I will have that much to take along as I am going to be buying alot of new clothes that fit.
Dan and I went into the trailer and made up the bed and took out clothes that are not needed.  I went in to start dinner and he stayed in there and did a few more things.  After dinner we went into the relax mode for the evening.
Gee, I will be so glad when this election is over with, I am so sick of all the phone calls wanting surveys and etc.  I just hang up.. I wonder what happened to "The Do Not Call List"?

October  11th   Thursday ---  Herbie's Goes For Grooming
Woke up this morning and there was snow on the ground.. Yikes... I let Herbie out and there was misty rain... Snow did not last long.  I was on another mission.. Mr. Herbie had to go for grooming... He was so excited that he was going to go for a ride, but when we got at the groomer's he started his shaking..  I left and had some errands to run.. I timed everything just right as at my last stop I got a call that he was done...  It was a short 2 hours... I wanted to go and sit down by the lake and wait for the call. He was so happy to see me and out the door he ran..  We headed home and while I was gone, Dan had done vacuuming and some other stuff for the trailer.
He is such a sweetie..  Oh I know I am spoiled, but I tend to ignore it at times.  LOL...

October 12th    Friday  ---  Lunch With Girlfriend
Well it was another trip to town this morning, I had to go to the Bead store and pick up a few things to take with me this winter.  Met a friend for lunch, and it was great visiting with her. We have been wanting to do this for some time and finally we just set a date.  The weather was in the 50's. Stopped at an upscale re-sale shop and did find 2 sweaters that were on the 50% off rack..  Headed home early for a change. Dan and I decided that we would eat home this evening instead of going out for our Friday night dinner. We have so much food in the freezer yet and have to eat it up before we head out.
The weather got a bit windy and cold.. Time to snuggle under my blanket for the evening.

October 12th    Saturday
Up early again this morning, and took Mr. Herbie out.  Oh Oh it was raining out and just starting to get light out. 7:30 AM   Herbie got his morning treat and ran and got his baby and went running in bed by Dan..   I made breakfast for him and then we prepped the Venison for the brine.  Tomorrow I am making the Annual Venison Dinner Party.. Ron and Dave (brothers) always save me a big venison roast each year and I make it for everyone.  Tomorrow there will be 8 of us. 
Cleaned up the kitchen and planning the rest of the day.  I have lots to do in a week..
I went to the pantry looking for a pan and I ended up taking everything out of the pantry and wiping down the shelves and going through everything checking for expiring dates.  I had a huge grocery bad full.. By the way, I never did find that pan.. Lots of room in pantry now to re-stock it.   LOL

October 13th    Sunday  --- Venison Dinner
Up early this morning, took Mr. Herbie out and light rain.  Today is the suppose to be raining.  Prepared the Venison roast for the oven.
I have been making venison roast for years this way and it sure was delicious.   
 Finishing up dinner
 Bruce and Celeste Passinault
 Ron, Eileen and Dave Erickson
 This platter was filled with delicious venison
 Dave is thinking, whey did I eat so much
One of my guests made these dinner rolls,
Thank Goodness there was all adults..
Dessert was homemade pies,  Pumpkin and Mincemeat.
We had a great time and everyone went home with leftovers. It was a nice time, and lots of laughs.
Everyone left and within 1/2 hour all the dishes were done and kitchen cleaned up..   Dishwashers are great.
Well, I am having the Garden Club over tomorrow night and I am making Chili and strawberry shortcake for dessert.   Just cleaning out freezer before we leave.
Stay tuned and see what is happening next week...

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Chatham,, Michigan, United States
Karen's Koffee Klutch